WATCH: COVID-19 and The Economy: The Past, Present & Future
LIVE Webinar: Wednesday, April 15, 12:00 pm EDT
COVID-19 is a crisis that affects more than just our health; it is also a major economic pandemic that is not only affecting our lives today but will continue to do in the future. The Department of Economics will host a live webinar on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 12:00 noon to address questions and concerns of our students and the community as a while. Topics will range from macroeconomc models showing the impacts on GDP and international relations and development to discussions on the implications for health and labor sectors and the decision making that leads people to hoard toilet paper!
Four Economics faculty will serve as the panelists for this webinar to share their expertise on a variety of topics:

Matt Kovach - (Moderator) A behavioral economist focused on belief biases and the role of attention in choice
Melinda Miller - An economic historian who focuses on the impact of Federal policy on inequality in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the Native American population and methods to measure the health of historical populations

Djavad Salehi-Isfahani - Conducts research in economic development issues, especially in the Middle East, and the world oil market
Byron Tsang - Research focuses on the connections between the macroeconomy and financial markets, more recently working on projects related to the economic effects of COVID-19 using his first-hand experience from Hong Kong during the 2002-2004 SARS outbreak