Major Requirements

Major Requirements:
6 hrs - Principles of Economics
6 hrs- Theory of Economics
3 hrs - Data Analytics
3 hrs - Statistics
15 hrs - Econ Electives
Degree Options
The Department of Economics offers four options within the major. Degree requirements (Checksheets) for the major, options, and minor are based on the year in which a student enters Virginia Tech. Checksheets can be viewed HERE.
Great option with plenty of flexibility allows you to easily pair with other curriculum for Secondary Majors, Double Majors or Minors. This option also grants you more course options to fulfill your Math, Stat, and Data Analytics core requirements. Allows for 37-39 credit hours of FREE ELECTIVES.
Great option if you prefer a more structured program and have an interest in Business. This option includes introductory courses in Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing as part of the major requirements along with using Business Infortmation Technology courses to meet the Statistics requirement. Allows for 7-9 credit hours of FREE ELECTIVES.
The Managerial Economics and Data Science (MEDS) option is tailored toward students interested in careers in data science and consulting. Allows for 24-25 credit hours of FREE ELECTIVES.
The Policy and Regulation option is tailored toward students interested in careers in policy, non-profits, government agencies, and professional graduate degrees such as law and public policy. Allows for 24-25 credit hours of FREE ELECTIVES.
Another option is to add an Economics Minor to your primary degree program.
The course requirements for a Minor in Economics are:
ECON 2005, Microeconomic Principles
ECON 2006, Macroeconomic Principles - Pre: ECON 2005
ECON 3104, Microeconomic Theory - Pre: ECON 2005 with at least a C and MATH 1225 and 1226 with at least a C- in each or MATH 1025, 1026 with at least a B- in each
ECON 3204, Macroeconomic Theory - Pre: ECON 3104
Select two 3000 or 4000 level ECON courses - Not from ECON 4984, 4754, 4964, 4974H
Click here for instructions on how to add an Economics Minor
Another option is to add the Economics of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion minor to your primary degree program.
Required courses
ECON 1214, Economic History of Diversity and Inclusion
One from
ECON 1104, Economics of Gender
ECON 1204, Economics of Race
One course approved for Introduction to Identity
See courses on checksheet
One course approved for Diversity and Society
See courses on checksheet
One course approved for Analysis
See courses on checksheet
One course approved as a Capstone course
See courses on checksheet
Click here for instructions on how to add an Economics Minor