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Course Request

Course Request Open March 25 to April 8

Prepare for Course Request

Run a DARS in Hokie Spa to use to review your degree requirements and your completion of requirements.

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Determine which Pathways to General Education Requirements you still need to complete.

This Pathway has both a foundational and advanced requirement. You will need to complete a total of three courses.

For the Foundational requirement you will complete ENGL 1105-1106.

For the Advanced requirement you will select a course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 1 Advanced courses on the Timetable.


This Pathway requires you to complete two courses of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 2 courses on the Timetable.

This Pathway requires you to complete two courses of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 3 courses on the Timetable.

Note - Economics majors cannot use ECON 2005 Micro Principles and ECON 2006 Macroprinciples for this Pathway since these courses are used towards the completion of a major core requirement.  

This Pathway requires you to complete two courses of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 4 courses on the Timetable.

Students entering VT in Fall 2024 or later must complete two three-credit courses in BIOL, CHEM, GEOS, ISC, NEUR, PHYS, or PSYC for Pathway 4.  

The Pathway has both a foundational and advanced requirement. You will need to complete a total of three courses.

For the Foundational requirement you will need to complete either MATH 1025 or 1225 and select one other course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 5 Foundation courses on the Timetable.

Note - MATH 1026 and 1226 cannot be used for this requirement since they are used towards the completion of a major core requirement.

For the Advanced requirement you will select a course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathway Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 5 Advanced courses on the Timetable.

Note - BIT 2406, ECON 3054 Introduction to Forecasting, STAT 3005, STAT 3604, and STAT 3615 cannot be used for this requirement since they  are used towards the completion of a major core requirement.

For the Foundation or Advanced requirement you will select a course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathway Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway 5 courses on the Timetable.

Note- BIT 2406, ECON 3054, MATH, and STAT courses cannot be used towards the completion of this requirement since they are used towards the completion of a major core requirement requirement.  


The Pathway has both an Arts and Design course requirement. You will need to complete a course for each requirement

For the Arts requirement you will select a course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 6 Arts courses on the Timetable.

For the Design requirement you will select a course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathway Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 6 Design courses on the Timetable.

This Pathway requires you to complete one course of your choice from the list of courses approved for this requirement found on your DARS, the Pathways Course Catalog, or by completing a search for Pathway Concept 7 courses on the Timetable.

Note - Some courses used to complete Pathway 7 may be used to complete other Pathway Concepts such as Concepts 2 and 3.

Loading player for /content/dam/econ_vt_edu/undergraduate/Part 1 Pathways Course Request.mp4...
Loading player for /content/dam/econ_vt_edu/undergraduate/Part 2 Pathways Course Request.mp4...
Loading player for /content/dam/econ_vt_edu/undergraduate/Part 3 Pathways Course Request.mp4...
Loading player for /content/dam/econ_vt_edu/undergraduate/Part 4 Pathways Course Request.mp4...

Add ECON 2005 to your course request if you have not taken any ECON courses previously.

Spring Course Request - Add ECON 2006 to your course request if you have completed ECON 2005 or are currently enrolled in ECON 2005.  

Falll Course Request - Economics majors can only take ECON 2006 in Spring semesters.  

There are two options for MATH. Complete courses in only one option.

Option 1 - MATH 1225-1226

This is the preferred option for Econoics majors. If you have not taken MATH 1225 or 1025 complete the MATH 1225 ALEKS Placement Assessment with a score of at least 80 or are currently enrolled in or have completed MATH 1214 then add MATH 1225 to your course request.

If you have completed MATH 1225 or are currently completing MATH 1225 you will add MATH 1226 to your course request.

Option 2 - MATH 1025-1026

If you have completed MATH 1014, have not completed the MATH 1225 ALEKS Placement Assessment with a score of at least 80, or are not enrolled in or completed MATH 1214 then add MATH 1025 to your course request.

If you have completed MATH 1025 or are currently completing MATH 1025 you will add MATH 1026 to your course request.

If you have completed MATH 1225 or MATH 1226 you will add STAT 3005 or 4706.

If you have completed MATH 1025 or MATH 1026 you will add STAT 3604 or 3615.

If you are pursuing the Business Option you will need to complete BIT 2405 and BIT 2406. If MATH 1025-1026 is completed you must also take MATH 1524 before taking BIT 2405.  


Add ECON 3104 to your course request if you have completed one of the following.
1. ECON 2005 and MATH 1225-1226
2. ECON 2005 and MATH 1025-1026  

Note-If you have AP, TR, or RP credit for a pre-req the Course Request system may not allow you to request the course. If you have not completed both courses in a single MATH sequence but completed a MATH course in each sequence the Course Request system may not allow you to request the course. DON'T PANIC. INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN DROP/ADD OPENS TO ADD THE COURSE.  

Add ECON 3204 to your course request if you have completed ECON 2006 and ECON 3104.  

Add ECON 3254 if you have completed STAT 3005, 3604, 3615, 4706 or BIT 2406.

An ECON Elective is an ECON course at the 3000 or 4000 level that is not one listed above. You need five of these for the major.

Economics major without an option - select five electives of your choice from 3000-4000 level ECON Electives offered.

Economics with Business option majors - select five electives of your choice from 3000-4000 level ECON Electives offered.  

Economics with Managerial Economics and Data Science option majors - refer to your DARS or Checksheet for the electives required for the option.

Economics with Policy and Regulation option majors - refer to your DARS or Checksheet for the electives required for the option.

Request one ECON Elective at the 3000 or 4000 level if you have completed ECON 2005, ECON 2006, required MATH and STAT courses and are requesting ECON 3104, ECON 3204, or ECON 3254.  

Request two ECON Electives at the 3000 or 4000 level if you have completed ECON 3104, ECON 3204, or ECON 3254.

If you have completed four ECON Electives then you only need to select one ECON Elective to course request.

Note - Special Study and Contemporary Topic courses will be added before Drop/Add.  

The Business, Managerial Economics and Data Science, and Policy and Regulation options require students to complete one course in Economic Diversity.

Select from
ECON 1104 - Economics of Gender
ECON 1204 - Economics of Race
ECON 1214 - Economic History of Diversity and Inclusion

Students completing the Economics with Business option major will complete the following courses in addition to the courses required for the major. For students completing the Business Option that entered VT in Fall 2024 or later you will complete four of the following courses.

ACIS 1504 Intro to Business Analytics & Business Intelligence
ACIS 2115 Principles of Accounting
ACIS 2116 Principles of Accounting
BIT 2405 Intro to Business Statistics, Analytics, & Modeling
BIT 2406 Intro to Business Statistitcs, Analytics, & Modeling
FIN 3054 Legal & Ethical Environment of Busiess OR
FIN 3074 Legal, Ethical, & Financing Issues for Entrepreneurs
FIN 3104 Introduction to Finance
MGT 3304 Management Throiry & Leadership Practice
MKTG 3104 Marketing Management
BIT 3414 Operations & Supply Chain Management

Students completing the Economics with Managerial Economics and Data Science option major must complete the following additional requirements in addition to the courses required for the major.

Refer to DARS or Checkheet for courses accepted based on the year of entry to VT.

Refer to DARS or Checksheet for courses accepted based on the year of entry to VT.

Students completing the Economics with Policy and Regulation option major must complete the following courses in addition to the courses required for the major.


COMM 2094 Communication and Issues of Diversity
COMM 4314 Communication and Diversity
COMM 4334 Communication Ethics
FREC 2254/LAR 2254/NR 2254 Leadership in Global Sustainibility
JMC 4334 Communications Ethics
PHIL 2304 Global Ethics
PSCI 3344/UAP 3344 Global Environmental Issues
PSCI 3414/UAP 3414 Public Administration
PSCI 3444/UAP 3444 Administrative Law and Policy

Email or Meet with your assigned Advisor if you have any questions about Course Request, the classes you need, or the classes you have selected.  

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
Email Ms. Ebreo
Schedule an appointment with Ms. Ebreo

Freshmen, First Semester Transfers, and students completing first semester as an Economics major
Email Ms. Perdue
Schedule an appointment with Ms. Perdue

Note: You do not have to meet with the advisor if you are comfortable with completing Course Request yourself.




Completing Course Request

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1. Go to HokieSpa

2. Click on Timetable of Classes at the bottom of the page - select term, select subject, click find classes

3. Select section of the course you would like to request. Click on CRN to review course information, and make a note of the CRN you would like to request.

4. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each class you would like to request.

5. Once you have all of the sections you would like to request Go to Hokie Spa and click on Course Request

6. Enter a CRN for the sections you would like to request in each box. You may enter up to 10 sections of courses. Click Add CRNs to complete your request.