There are many resources to assist students in the planning of their academic program. The resources on this page will assit a student with the registration (Drop/Add) process.
The Checksheet is a general list of the requirements a student must meet in a major. Every major and options within the major is required to have a checksheet. These checksheets can be found on the Registrar's Office website.
Checksheets for Students Entering 2023-2024 will be available in late June.
Students in Economics have four programs of study within the major.
Economics, Traditional Program/No Option
Economics, Business Option
Economics, Data Science Option
Economics, Policy and Regulation Option
Drop/Add is the process of adding and dropping courses from your schedule. First, you will need to complete the pre-registration process which is the topic of the first video. The second video will demonstrate how to search for, add, and drop classes in the Drop/Add Registration system.
The Degree Audit Report (DARS) is a personalized list of degree requirements. The DARS will show you how completed courses apply to your degree requirements, the remaining degree requirements, and the courses from which you can choose to complete the requirements.
The presentations below will guide you through how to read and run a DARS.
The Undergraduate Course Catalog provides students with information about university policies that relate to admissions, continuing status, financial information, information about each major, and course offerings.
1. Click on image or go to
2. Click View Online under 2023-2024 Catalog
3. Click College of Science
4. Scroll to Course Descriptions and Plans of Study
5. Click on Economics
Your advisor is Erika Perdue. If you have difficulty scheduling an appointment using this link, please email Erika directly at
The University Academic Advising Initiative Office answers many questions regarding advising and academics on their website
Students entering Virginia Tech for their first term will use the Hokie Scheduler system to register for classes during Orientation and Virtual Course Registration.