Orientation Resources
The Program Curriculum, previously called a Checksheet, is a general list of the requirements a student must meet in a major. Every major and options within a major is required to have a Program Curriculum listed in the Course Catalog. The university is in the process of migrating from Checksheets to Program Curriculum listings. Previous Checksheets are still available for viewing on the Registrar's Office website and should be used until the current academic year checksheet is available.
Program Curriculums for Students Entering 2024-2025 will be available in early July.
Students in Economics have four programs of study within the major.
Economics, Traditional Program/No Option
Economics, Business Option
Economics, Data Science Option
Economics, Policy and Regulation Option
The Degree Audit Report (DARS) is a personalized list of degree requirements. The DARS will show you how completed courses apply to your degree requirements, the remaining degree requirements, and the courses from which you can choose to complete the requirements. The DARS is used by the university for monitoring student progress. It is the preferred choice of documentation for accurately determing a student's progress.
The presentations below will guide you through how to run and read a DARS.
To run a DARS use the "DARS and HOKIE GPS" Link on Hokie Spa.
The Undergraduate Course Catalog provides students with information about university policies that relate to admissions, continuing status, financial information, information about each major, and course offerings. The updated Course Catalog will be available in late July.
1. Click on image or go to https://catalog.vt.edu
2. Click View Undergraduate Course Catalog
3. Click College of Science
4. Click Economics
5. Click on the Courses tab to view all courses in major.
All Incoming students must attend one Mandatory Virtual Academic Advising Overview Session.
Once a student attends a Mandatory Virtual Academic Advising Overview Session they will receive an email from Erika Perdue via Navigate with the link to use to schedule an optional one-on-one virtual academic advising appointment. Students will need to use the provided link to schedule an optional appointment.
Pathway to General Education Concepts are the General Education requirements all students at Virginia Tech complete regardless of major. There are seven concepts to be completed using courses that are not required for the major.
The courses approved to be used for Pathway Concepts are listed in the Pathway to General Education Concept Guides. Students should use the guide for year in which they entered Virginia Tech.
Video - How do they fit into the degree?
Video - Pathways Overview - What are Pathways? What is each concept?