Travel & Reimbursement Procedures
Virginia Tech Travel Rules and Guidelines – Controller’s Office
Economics Department Travel Rules and Guidelines
Travel Approval Form
Must be completed PRIOR to incurring overnight travel expenses when the total cost of the trip is expected to exceed $500
International Travel Supplemental Grant Travel Approval Form
This program supports faculty travel for the purposes of participation at international conferences. Awards up to $1,000 are made to supplement funding from the applicant’s home academic/research unit. Go to the International Supplemental Grant Travel page for more information.
International Per Diem Rates
Please look over these rates for the city you may be traveling to, the only time you will be reimbursed for more than the alloted rate is if you stay in the conference hotel.
Guest Reimbursement Paperwork Procedures
Guest Reimbursement Paperwork Procedures: U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien – W-9
Guest Reimbursement Paperwork Procedures: Non-Resident Alien – W8BEN
Guest Reimbursement Paperwork Procedures: Non-Resident Alien – Foreign National Data Form
Other forms you may need can be found on the Controller’s Office Forms & Templates webpage.